Pour Maman…

Gwin Zegal… as picturesque and lovely in real life as it looks here… but better thanks to smell and wind on your face.

I’m babysitting for a friend tonight… and using her computer (cheeky me!!).  Unfortunately, her keyboard is most unfriendly to my fingers, making typing a particularly onerous task!!

So this one is a little post for my dear Maman, who tells me she checks my blog each evening for newslets… We are far from each other physically, so it’s rather lovely to have this virtual world to meet in!

Enjoy the photo – once more thanks to the world of the internet, all I had to type was the name of one of our favourite beaches: Gwin Zegal and presto!!, Brittany appeared as if by magic.

I’d urge you all to go there because it’s just perfect, but please don’t as one of its charms is the lack of people there!!